Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Reasonable Accommodations For Students With Disabilities Policy

AHDPG is committed to the principle that every individual should have an equal opportunity to enroll in our program, excel in their coursework, and graduate from the program with a high level of competency in their chosen field. AHDPG seeks to assure access by providing reasonable accommodations to individuals with physical, mental, or learning disabilities recognized under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Reasonable accommodation is the provision of aids, or modification to testing, services or a program of study, that allows access by individuals with disabilities.

The ADA defines a disability as “any medical or physical condition that substantially limits an individual’s ability to perform one or more major life activities” as compared with the average person in the general population. Major life activities include, but are not limited to: walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, performing manual tasks, caring for oneself, working, and learning.

The ADA requires an institution of higher education to provide reasonable accommodation to a qualified individual with a documented disability, provided the accommodation does not create undue hardship. An undue hardship refers to any accommodation that would be unduly costly, substantially disruptive or that would fundamentally alter the nature of the program. Any student may request reasonable accommodations from AHDPG.

In addition, AHDPG is required to abide by the provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which protect otherwise qualified individuals from discrimination based on their disability. In order to be considered otherwise qualified, a student with a disability must be capable, either with or without accommodation, of fulfilling the essential requirements of the educational program.

Individuals requesting reasonable accommodation are required to self-disclose to the Student Services Coordinator and submit a request in writing or an accessible format appropriate format for their limitation which generates a durable record. The request must be accompanied by official documentation of the disability from an appropriate, licensed professional, which must address the current functional limitation(s), prognosis, and recommendation(s) of appropriate accommodation.

How to Apply for Reasonable Accommodation

1. Complete the Request for Accommodation Form. An accessible format that generates a durable record may be substituted for a written version of this form where appropriate.

2. Request and submit documentation that is original, signed, and on official letterhead from a certifying professional in the area of the student’s disability. The documentation must address:

a. Disability and functional limitation(s)

b. Prognosis (permanent or temporary and, if temporary, the anticipated duration)

c. Recommendations for accommodation(s)

3. Submit the completed Request for Accommodation Form together with the medical documentation directly to the Student Services Coordinator who will review the documentation and work with the Instructors as appropriate. You will be notified in writing, or by accessible format which generates a durable record where appropriate, regarding the outcome of your request. AHDPG reserves the right to verify the qualifications of the certifying professionals and the authenticity of the documentation.

4. Each student who is offered accommodation is required to affirmatively indicate his/her acceptance of the accommodation offered by signing and returning the Accommodation Acceptance Form that is included with the response from the Student Services Coordinator.

The Student Services Coordinator receives and retains all inquiries and requests for accommodation and the required documentation. Requests for accommodation and related documentation will be kept on file for a minimum of one year.

Access to information regarding student requests for accommodation is on a need-to-know basis consistent with the requirements of HIPAA. To preserve student confidentiality, all information regarding requests for reasonable accommodation is housed in a secure file and access is restricted to Human Resources staff.